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Working with Children is Our Prerogative & Pleasure

At Pooh Bear Childcare, our staff is our biggest strength. Each member of our esteemed team finds childcare both rewarding and worthwhile. Working with children is not only our prerogative but our immense pleasure. Collectively, our teachers have decades of experience, as well as several years of dedication at our facility and throughout the childcare industry. We strive to provide superior consistency for the children in our care by providing excellent employee benefits, a competitive pay scale and continued education support to our staff. With our beloved teachers at the helm, there is nothing the children at Pooh Bear Childcare cannot accomplish.

Meet Our Exceptional Staff Members Today!

Our staff is well-versed in early childcare education– with compassion and patience as a guide. From five years of experience to over 30 years of experience, our staff is highly-educated and experienced when it comes to the ins and outs of childcare.

20+ Years

Middleton: Ms. Kandi, Ms. Joan, Ms. Luanne, Ms. Melissa & Ms. Meredith
Fitchburg: Ms. Rhiannon, Ms. Mel, Ms. Sheena, Ms. Brenda & Ms. Trina

15+ Years

Middleton: Ms. Danielle
Fitchburg: Ms. Tracie

10+ Years

Middleton: Ms. Maureen & M.s Rachel
Fitchburg: Ms. Nancy & Ms. Krissy

5+ Years

Middleton: Ms. Carlie, Ms. Camille, Ms. Megan, Ms. Alicia & Ms. Christy
Fitchburg: Ms. Danielle & Ms. Ana

Our Highly-Respected Pooh Bear Staff

If you’re looking for exceptional childcare, you can trust the highly-respected staff at Pooh Bear Childcare to provide that and more. We boast an outstanding retention rate for our teachers and staff, which indicates that our staff and teachers love what they do. Most of our employees have been with us for well over a decade. Additionally, we have children who have had the much-desired consistency of being in the same teachers’ care for years. Shaping the impressionable minds of our little Pooh Bear learners is a blessing. Our stimulating education program will prepare your child for grade school and beyond. We hope to provide your child with an experience that is enriching in numerous ways, as well as fun for them. To meet with our exceptional staff members or get a first-hand look at our child-friendly facility, give us a call or visit us today!

Our Reputation is Built on Quality Care!